Caritas Malaysia

is the official arm of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia (CBCM) engaging in works of integral human development, charity, relief, care for creation and social services.

Caritas Malaysia

Caritas Malaysia (3)

Our Mission


“A sign of God’s love for all creation in Jesus Christ.”

Rooted in the Gospels and the social teachings of the Catholic Church, Caritas Malaysia is dedicated to upholding the dignity of every human person and promoting social justice. We address the root causes of poverty, violence, and inequality, and respond to humanitarian crises with compassion and care. We empower and equip members of Caritas Malaysia and all people of goodwill to act in solidarity with the marginalized and creation, ensuring responsible stewardship of the environment for the common good.

How you can practice

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Charity in a unique way

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Become A Volunteer

Share your gifts, deepen your faith. Become a volunteer and bring Christ's love to life.

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Donate & Empower Lives

Live the Gospel message of charity. Donate and empower Caritas to help those in need.

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Join our Outreach/Event

Extend your hand, share God's love. Join our mission event and make a difference.

Kampar Outreach
Orang Jahai Keluarga
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What We Do

Caritas Malaysia

Encompasses the concerns of the offices of integral human development in the nine dioceses in Malaysia which include:

Providing relief aid and support to communities impacted by natural disasters, emergencies, and crises.

Advocating for the rights of migrants and refugees in Malaysia and delivering services to assist these vulnerable populations.

Initiatives focused on environmental protection, conservation efforts, and promoting sustainability practices.

Programs aimed at empowering women and children and advocating for their rights, needs, and well-being.

Raising awareness and promoting positive change on various social issues through advocacy campaigns and efforts.

Supporting underprivileged communities in rural and urban areas, with special attention to the indigenous Orang Asli communities.

Advocating for labor rights, fair treatment, and improving conditions for workers across different industries and sectors.

Caritas Malaysia

Caritas Malaysia (3)

Meet National Office

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Rt. Rev. Bernard Paul, DD

Bishop President

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Fr. Fabian Dicom

National Director

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Pauline Yeo

Administrative Executive

Love cannot remain by itself - it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service.

St. Teresa of Calcutta

Patron Saint of Caritas Malaysia

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Spirituality of Caritas Malaysia

Caritas Malaysia

Caritas Malaysia (3)

Annual Reports


The inaugural Caritas Malaysia Annual Report gives an overview of the ongoing social mission of the Catholic Church in Malaysia through images, narratives and finances of the dioceses. The heroes of Caritas Malaysia’s mission are truly the volunteers and ministry personnel on the ground, in all our parish communities and dioceses.

As part of future annual reports, the Caritas national office will continue compiling these efforts into a family album – and like any family album it will help us to get to know other family members, their respective situations, efforts and needs. And we pray that it will eventually become our family story – a chronicle of our shared heritage, which we can share widely with all, with joy – supporting one another amid our challenges, and working together to uplift others.

Caritas Malaysia

Caritas Malaysia (3)

News & Happenings

Caritas Malaysia announces new board of directors

Caritas Malaysia announces new board of directors

From November 12-15, 2024, over 60 participants from nine arch/dioceses gathered at Pace…

Caritas Malaysia National Assembly 2024: A Union of Minds, Hearts, and Deeds

Caritas Malaysia National Assembly 2024: A Union of Minds, Hearts, and Deeds

From November 12-15, 2024, over 60 participants from nine arch/dioceses gathered at Pace…

Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

To foster a deeper understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian issue, the Cathedral of the…

External Links

Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

Vatican entity dedicated to advancing social justice, human rights, and integral development worldwide.

Caritas Internationalis

Caritas Internationalis is confederation of over 160 members who are working at the grassroots in almost every country of the world.

Caritas Internationalis

Caritas Internationalis is confederation of over 160 members who are working at the grassroots in almost every country of the world.
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Caritas Asia

Caritas Asia is one of the seven Regional Offices under the Confederation of Caritas Internationalis (CI).

Caritas Asia

Caritas Asia is one of the seven Regional Offices under the Confederation of Caritas Internationalis (CI).
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Prayer Prism

Monthly Reflection from Fr. Fabian Dicom

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Caritas Malaysia is the official arm of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia (CBCM) engaging in works of integral human development, charity, relief, care for creation and social services.

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